Montaigne Experts
Since many years, the luxury brands like Hermes or Chanel and others became dominating fashion brands in the world with famous and iconics handbags. Nowadays, we can say that these luxury handbags and accessories become timeless pieces. We always think to explain the importance of Intellectual Property rights and the protection of the brand value. So, we are more and more worried when, with the explosion of the e-commerce, the luxury preowned market become so flooded with counterfeits Hermès handbags. As more and more clients began contacting us to make authentication to avoid troubles, we decided to do the best to « fight » fake market.
Montaigne Experts is
10 years of experience
Expert for Auctionata & Paddle8 (Auction houses)
Speciality : Hermès, Chanel & Louis Vuitton
Expert for Auctionata & Paddle8 (Auction houses)
Speciality : Hermès, Chanel & Louis Vuitton
Luxury houses stories, their collection and specificity (date, leather, manufacturing etc...)
New products monitoring
Craftsmanship promotion & relationship
New products monitoring
Craftsmanship promotion & relationship
Authentication of each product with a result of 100%
Authentication for buyers and professional resellers
Authentication for buyers and professional resellers